Dance of the Sun & Moon

Brandon Alex Belna
4 min readOct 18, 2020

Peace, in a world of contrasts, is found in acceptance.

Some of us grow up in comfort, some of us grow up seeking comfort. This is the story of a boy who was of the latter, seeking what those around him simply smattered.

This is life, and nothing more is to be!

Often, he would hear.

You are a fool for wanting more. Make like the rest of us and snore. Trust me, before long you will realize that life is nothing but a bore.

Alas, the young boy did not listen. He would nod his head and agree, but in his mind he was agreeing to disagree.

There was a profound day in this young boy’s life, and it was the day he looked up at the sky and watched it for a night. The next morning, he excitingly shared with his family what he saw.

It was extraordinary! I am still in awe. The sun and the moon were dancing, dancing from dusk till dawn!

No one understood what he meant. They began to think his mind was possibly bent. They shrugged off the boy, but the boy shrugged not.

From that day forward, he chased a dream which those around him knew naught. Often, they would gawk:

Fruitless is he! Ignorant is that boy who thinks dreams can become realities! Surely he will learn if we let him run amok!

So time passed, and the boy grew as tall as the unkept grass. In the blink of an eye he became a man, navigating the world with that truth he had surmised.

There came a day when his family broke down in tears, for surely they figured his mind was as sober as beer. He proclaimed to his family:

I want to dance, like the sun and the moon. I must seek their wisdom, so that I too may dance in their likeness, one day very soon.

With that, the man left his family behind to chase a dream none thought was of a right mind. For years and years they wondered where he went, and time after time they would vent:

What kind of mad man proclaims such an absurdity? I’d be surprised if I ever again hear a word of he!

As the years passed, they forgot about the man who they found surely crass. Yet one day he returned, and proclaimed a gospel that all soon heard.

The sun and the moon adopted me, they brought me in and taught me!

His family was certainly convinced he was insane, with the exception of a young boy who knew not of this man’s name.

The boy asked,

What do you mean? How can the sun and the moon adopt a man?

The family tried to quiet the curious boy, but the man chuckled and replied,

If you are willing to open your eyes, show you I can, surely. Only those who are willing to open their eyes are able to distinguish between truths and lies.

The family was entertained by this young fan of the insane man, so for their amusement, they entertained the boy and his outrageous demand.

The day rolled by, and at dusk the boy and man returned. The boy was filled with sorrow, a sorrow which was definitely not ending tomorrow. His family mocked him and the man, and made fun of the boy for following an insane man. The boy however, replied naught, and thereafter the man left back to where he came.

The boy was found crying that night, and his mother entered into his room and asked,

Why have you been filled with sadness? Has that man also drove you to madness?

The boy, wiping tears from his eyes, replied:

Mad, he is not. Rather, mad is the lot. All laughed and scorned, yet rot he did not.

His spirits, his joy, he persisted for, and joyous he is, just as when he himself was a boy. He took me to his home, which I found filled with happiness and joy, but it was not foreign to possible sadness and the days when the rain pours.

Yet even through the rain, we all found comfort. That is when the man looked me in the eye, and shared his comfort, saying:

You see, this is the dance of the sun and the moon. The dark chases the light, and the light chases the dark, but all is meant to be.

Close your eyes to the dark, and light you will never see.

The brightest lights shine on the darkest days, so embrace the darkness and all its days, for you will be welcomed soon by a bright light someday.

Even love is never perfect, but one day young boy, when you are a man, you will learn to dance with a woman worth your chance. You will know who she is, as she will look you in the eyes and say:

Dance with me, like the sun and the moon, amongst the stars in the skies. Don’t stop dancing with me, until the day one of us dies.

So we have danced, and the celestial bodies dance with us. The sun and the moon cannot dance though, if there wasn’t dark to proceed to light, and light to proceed the dark.

So embrace the rhythm, and find amongst your loved ones those who shall dance with you in the same manner.

Let the seconds pass you away like the flow of night and day, and never find a time that you are not right in line, dancing away having a good time, in the way that the sun and the moon shine.

